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Run a Simulation Using Existing Model Files
Use POST /job
with a command object to create a new simulation using the model files that are already on the server, either in the user's storage area or from an existing job.
- Method: POST
- Cookies: JWT session token
- Header: Set
- Body: Job command object
- Success: Job creation return object
- Failed: HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
Job Command Object
A Job Command Object has the following fields:
Field | Value | Description |
cmd | Creat | In the current version, the cmd field can only be Create |
caption | text | Caption of the job |
description | text | Description of the job |
uploadRef | text | The path to the folder in the user's storage area, from which the model files are to be copied |
jobRef | number | The job ID of the reference job from which the model files are to be copied |
main | text | For E+ jobs, main is the IDF model file name. For jEPlus project, main is the project file name |
weatherRef | array | A list of weather file names |
split | boolean | Applies only to E+ jobs - whether or not to use the run-period split method |
subset | DEFAULT | default: Run the project as defined in the project file |
ALL | Override the run option in the project and run all the jobs instead | |
LIST_FILE | Override the run option in the project and run the cases defined in the case list file (specified in the next field) | |
caseList | array | Case list file name to use with the LIST_FILE option of the subset field |
The example below shows a command object for creating an E+ job whilst all fields are shown.
{ "cmd": "Create", "caption": "My job", "description": "Example job", "uploadRef": "/abc/example_e+v93", "jobRef": 0, "main": "5ZoneAirCooled-v93.idf", "weatherRef": ["in.epw"], "split": false, "subset": "DEFAULT", "caseList": [] }
From User's Uploads
Use the following command object, with a Create
command, to create a new simulation job on JESS using the model files in the user's storage area. The model files should have been uploaded to the storage area using POST /files
transaction in the Users API.
{ "cmd": "Create", "uploadRef": "/abc/example_e+v93", "weatherRef": ["in.epw"], "main": "5ZoneAirCooled-v93.idf" }
To Run a jEPlus Project
Use the following command object with a Create
command to create a new jEPlus job on JESS using the project files in the user's storage area. The files should have been uploaded to the storage area using POST /files
transaction in the Users API.
{ "cmd": "Create", "uploadRef": "example_jep_v81", "weatherRef": [], "main": "project.jep" }
From an Existing Job
Use the following command object, with a Create
command, to create a new simulation job on JESS using the model files of an existing job. This is useful if you want to run a different set of cases of a jEPlus project.
{ "cmd": "Create", "caption": "Re-run", "description": "re-run of job 12250", "jobRef": 12250, "main": "project.json", "subset": "LIST_FILE", "caseList": ["jobs.txt"] }
Return object
A successful return object contains the status flag, a message, and the job ID of the new job, as shown in the example below.
{ "ok": true, "status": "Job 12250 is created", "data": 12250 }
Authorization Failed
An HTTP 401 - Unauthorized response will be received
Example using curl://
Assuming the session token has been saved in the cookies
file using the log on command, start a simulation job using curl on Linux as below:
curl -b cookies -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"cmd": "Create", "uploadRef": "/abc/example_e+v93", "weatherRef": ["in.epw"], "main": "5ZoneAirCooled-v93.idf"}'
On Windows:
curl -b cookies -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"cmd\": \"Create\", \"uploadRef\": \"/abc/example_e+v93\", \"weatherRef\": [\"in.epw\"], \"main\": \"5ZoneAirCooled-v93.idf\"}"
If successful, a confirmation object with 'OK' status will be received with a new job ID. If the session token is invalid, an HTTP 401 code will be returned.
Example using Python Requests
Make sure Requests is correctly installed in your Python environment, and run the following lines:
import requests headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} body = {"cmd": "Create", "uploadRef": "/abc/example_e+v93", "weatherRef": ["in.epw"], "main": "5ZoneAirCooled-v93.idf"} # Make a post request. Session token must be available in the saved cookies during log-on r ='', headers=headers, json=body, cookies=cookies) # Show return info r.json()