Research Publications where 'jEPlus' Appeared in References or Full Text

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Last surveyed: 16 Feb 2025

Catalogs used:

ALAJMI, Ali, Hosny ABOU-ZIYAN, and Hamad H Al-MUTAIRI. 2022. “Reassessment of fenestration characteristics for residential buildings in hot climates:energy and economic analysis.” Frontiers in Energy. Mechanical Engineering Department,College of Technological Studies,PAAET;Mechanical Power Engineering Department,Faculty of Engineering,Helwan University;

NASOURI, Masoud, and Navid DELGARM. 2024. “Efficiency-based Pareto Optimization of Building Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort:A Case Study of a Residential Building in Bushehr,Iran.” Journal of Thermal Science. Department of Environment,Aras International Campus,University of Tehran;Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,Malek-Ashtar University of Technology;

Excell, Lauren E, Abigail Andrews, and Rishee K Jain. 2024. “E-Audit: A ‘No-Touch’ Energy Audit That Integrates Machine Learning and Simulation.” Article. Energy and Buildings 317: 114360.

Baghoolizadeh, M., M. Rostamzadeh-Renani, R. Rostamzadeh-Renani, and D. Toghraie. 2023. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Venetian Blinds in Office Buildings to Reduce Electricity Consumption and Improve Visual and Thermal Comfort by NSGA-II.” Energy and Buildings 278.

Cruz, A.S., L.E. Gonçalves Bastos, and L.R. Caldas. 2023. “Multi-Objective Optimization Based on a Surrogate Model of Social Housing to Improve the Thermal-Energy-Carbon Performance.” In Building Simulation Conference Proceedings, 18:576–83.

Singh Rajput, T., and A. Thomas. 2023. “Optimizing Passive Design Strategies for Energy Efficient Buildings Using Hybrid Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm through a Case Study Approach.” International Journal of Construction Management 23 (13): 2320–32.

PARLAK ARSLAN, Hilal, and Gül KOÇLAR ORAL. 2023. “İklimsel Tasarım Bağlamında Konut Binalarında Cephe Tasarım Parametrelerinin Hassasiyet Analizi.” Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 38 (3): 1769–80.

Pajek, L., M. Jevrić, I. Ćipranić, and M. Košir. 2023. “A Multi-Aspect Approach to Energy Retrofitting under Global Warming: A Case of a Multi-Apartment Building in Montenegro.” Journal of Building Engineering 63.

Velasco, A.A., J. Rodríguez-Martín, J.J.R. Casano, and J.M. Antón. 2023. “Replacing Fossil Fuels by Renewable Energies in the District Heating Systems: A Case of Study of Mrągowo (Poland).” In 2023 11th International Conference on ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT, CIEM 2023.

Ali, U., S. Bano, M.H. Shamsi, D. Sood, C. Hoare, and J. O’donnell. 2023. “Residential Building Energy Performance Prediction at an Urban Scale Using Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithms.” In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computing in Construction.

Fu, Y., and Z. O’Neill. 2023. “Dynax: A Differentiable Dynamic Energy Simulator for Inverse Inference, Optimal Control and End-to-End Learning.” In Building Simulation Conference Proceedings, 18:3578–85.

Zhang, L., Z. Dong, F. Liu, H. Li, X. Zhang, K. Wang, C. Chen, and C. Tian. 2023. “Passive Solar Sunspace in a Tibetan Buddhist House in Gannan Cold Areas: Sensitivity Analysis.” Journal of Building Engineering 67.

Li, Q., N. Vulic, H. Cai, and P. Heer. 2023. “Flexibility Implications of Optimal PV Design: Building vs. Community Scale.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2600.

Nateghi, S., A. Mansoori, M.A.E. Moghaddam, and J. Kaczmarczyk. 2023. “Multi-Objective Optimization of a Multi-Story Hotel’s Energy Demand and Investing the Money Saved in Energy Supply with Solar Energy Production.” Energy for Sustainable Development 72: 33–41.

Saurbayeva, A., S.A. Memon, and J. Kim. 2023. “Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of PCM Integrated Buildings in a Tropical Savanna Climate.” Journal of Building Engineering 64.

Riviere, G., and B. Malet-Damour. 2023. “Developing a New Decision Support Tool for Sizing Louvers in Hot and Humid Climates Concerning Light Efficiency and Building Energy Gain Building Simulation 2023 Conference.” In Building Simulation Conference Proceedings, 18:2410–17.

Es-Sakali, N., S.I. Kaitouni, I.A. Laasri, M.O. Mghazli, M. Cherkaoui, and J. Pfafferott. 2023. “Building Energy Efficiency Improvement Using Multi-Objective Optimization for Heating and Cooling VRF Thermostat Setpoints.” In E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 396.

Liu, Y., Z. Luo, and S. Grimmond. 2023. “Impact of Building Envelope Design Parameters on Diurnal Building Anthropogenic Heat Emission.” Building and Environment 234.

Roncal-Casano, J.J., J. Rodriguez-Martín, A. Abánades, J. Muñoz-Antón, I. Gurruchaga, and D. González Castellví. 2023. “Comprehensive Analysis of Hot Water Tank Sizing for a Hybrid Solar-Biomass District Heating and Cooling.” Results in Engineering 18.

Nateghi, S., and J. Kaczmarczyk. 2023. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Window Opening and Thermostat Control for Enhanced Indoor Environment Quality and Energy Efficiency in Contrasting Climates.” Journal of Building Engineering 78.

Pajek, L., and M. Košir. 2023. “Overheating Vulnerability Assessment of Energy Retrofit Actions in a Multi-Apartment Building in Podgorica, Montenegro.” In E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 396.

Baghoolizadeh, M., M. Rostamzadeh-Renani, M. Hakimazari, and R. Rostamzadeh-Renani. 2023. “Improving CO<inf>2</Inf> Concentration, CO<inf>2</Inf> Pollutant and Occupants’ Thermal Comfort in a Residential Building Using Genetic Algorithm Optimization.” Energy and Buildings 291.

Pachano, J.E., M. Fernández-Vigil Iglesias, J.C. Saiz, and C. Fernández Bandera. 2023. “Two-Stage Multi-Step Energy Model Calibration of the Cooling Systems of a Large-Space Commercial Building.” Applied Thermal Engineering 230.

Baba, F.M., H. Ge, R. Zmeureanu, and L.L. Wang. 2023. “Optimizing Overheating, Lighting, and Heating Energy Performances in Canadian School for Climate Change Adaptation: Sensitivity Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization Methodology.” Building and Environment 237.

Song, J., J. Peng, J. Cao, R. Yin, Y. He, B. Zou, and W. Zhao. 2023. “Global Sensitivity Analysis of Fan Coil Air Conditioning Demand Response—A Case Study of Medium-Sized Office Buildings.” Applied Thermal Engineering 230.

Hou, J., Z.-A. Liu, and L. Zhang. 2023. “Influence and Sensitivity Evaluation of Window Thermal Parameters Variations on Economic Benefits of Insulation Materials for Building Exterior Walls–a Case Study for Traditional Dwelling in China.” Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 46.

Gao, B., X. Zhu, J. Ren, J. Ran, M.K. Kim, and J. Liu. 2023. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Energy-Saving Measures and Operation Parameters for a Newly Retrofitted Building in Future Climate Conditions: A Case Study of an Office Building in Chengdu.” Energy Reports 9: 2269–85.

Mirala, F., B. Sajadi, M.A.A. Behabadi, and E. Naderi. 2023. “The Effect of Using Smart Shadings on the Thermal and Visual Performances of Buildings in Iran: A Numerical Simulation.” Energy Equipment and Systems 11 (4): 371–86.

Cho, J., H. Lee, and Y. Heo. 2023. “Dynamic Rule-Based Change-over Ventilation Strategy with Weather-Responsive Air-Conditioning Setpoints.” Building and Environment 246.

Wu, J., S. Chen, X. Ying, and J. Shu. 2023. “Influencing Factors on Air Conditioning Energy Consumption of Naturally Ventilated Research Buildings Based on Actual HVAC Behaviours.” Buildings 13 (11).


Kounni, A. El, A. Outzourhit, H. Mastouri, and H. Radoine. 2023. “Building Energy Model Automated Calibration Using Pymoo.” Energy and Buildings 298.

Hou, D., D. Zhan, L. Wang, I.G. Hassan, and N. Sezer. 2023. “Development and Performance Assessment of a New Opensource Bayesian Inference R Platform for Building Energy Model Calibration.” Discover Mechanical Engineering 2 (1).

Yang, Y., M. Cimillo, and X. Chen. 2024. Energy Performance Optimisation of Low-Rise Lightweight Steel-Frame Houses by Evolutionary Approach. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Vol. 328 LNCE.

Mehta, K., and W. Zörner. 2024. “Comfort in Cold: A Novel Approach to Sustainable Building Energy Efficiency.” Solar Energy Advances 4.

Yu, C., and W. Pan. 2024. “Improving Accuracy on Energy Use for High-Rise Office Buildings via Considering Microclimate Effect.” In Energy Proceedings. Vol. 42.

Gatt, D., C. Yousif, M. Cellura, F. Guarino, K. Scerri, and I. Tinnirello. 2024. “A Novel Approach to Determine Multi-Tiered Nearly Zero-Energy Performance Benchmarks Using Probabilistic Reference Buildings and Risk Analysis Approaches.” Sustainability (Switzerland) 16 (1).

Salihi, M., M. El Fiti, Y. Harmen, Y. Chhiti, A. Chebak, and C. Jama. 2024. “Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Cooling and Heating Energy Consumption for PCM Integrated a Residential Building Envelope.” In 2024 8th International Conference on Green Energy and Applications, ICGEA 2024, 308–16.

Ding, L., H. Lv, X. Guo, K. Zhang, G. Han, and H. Yu. 2024. “Methodology for Quantifying Building Demand Response Potential for Market Access Judgments.” In Proceedings of 2024 IEEE 7th International Electrical and Energy Conference, CIEEC 2024, 4505–10.

Agarwal, M., L. Pastore, and M. Andersen. 2024. “Risk of Incorrect Choices Due to Uncertainty in BPS Evaluations of Conceptual-Stage Neighbourhood-Scale Building Designs.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation 17 (2): 234–52.

Calama-González, C.M., R. Escandón, J. Llanos-Jiménez, and R. Suárez. 2024. “Assessing Overheating and Undercooling Risks in Existing Public Secondary Schools in Mediterranean Climate.” In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1363.

Guerrero Ramírez, K., C. Nuevo-Gallardo, J.M. Santamaría Ulecia, B. Montalbán Pozas, and C. Fernández Bandera. 2024. “Calibrated Models for Effective Clustering: Discriminating Operation Schedules in Occupied Buildings.” Building Simulation.

Zara, R.B., G.N. Moro, R.S.V. Martins, and T.G.F. Giglio. 2024. “Application of a Decision Tree Approach to Predict Energy Consumption in Lightweight Buildings under Subtropical Climate.” Smart and Sustainable Built Environment.

Abánades, A., J.J. Roncal-Casano, J. Rodríguez-Martín, J. Romaní, S. Escudero, M.G. Rodríguez, N. Diatlova, F. Bava, S. Wulff, and J.M. Fontecha. 2024. “THE WEDISTRICT TOOL: AN OPEN-ACCESS WEB APPLICATION TO SUPPORT DECISIONS ON DISTRICT HEATING AND COOLING PROJECTS AROUND EUROPE.” In 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2024, 2:1211–22.

Ali, U., S. Bano, M.H. Shamsi, D. Sood, C. Hoare, W. Zuo, N. Hewitt, and J. O’Donnell. 2024. “Urban Building Energy Performance Prediction and Retrofit Analysis Using Data-Driven Machine Learning Approach.” Energy and Buildings 303.

Noorollahi, Y., P. Barabadi, J. Taherahmadi, and F. Abbasizade. 2024. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Energy Demand and Net Zero Energy Building Design Based on Climatic Conditions (Case Study: Iran).” International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.

Cao, J., W. Zhao, J. Song, J. Peng, and R. Yin. 2024. “Development of a Dynamic Demand Response Quantification and Control Framework for Fan-Coil Air-Conditioning Systems Based on Prediction Models.” Applied Thermal Engineering 239.

Nasouri, M., and N. Delgarm. 2024. “A New Method for Simulation-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Building Efficiency for Optimal Building Energy Planning: A Case Study of Iran.” Energy, Ecology and Environment.

Bastos Porsani, G., M. Fernández-Vigil Iglesias, J.B. Echeverría Trueba, and C. Fernández Bandera. 2024. “Infiltration Models in EnergyPlus: Empirical Assessment for a Case Study in a Seven-Story Building.” Buildings 14 (2).

Hernández, G., A.J. Cetina-Quiñones, A. Bassam, and J.G. Carrillo. 2024. “Passive Strategies towards Energy Efficient Social Housing: A Parametric Case Study and Decision-Making Framework in the Mexican Tropical Climate.” Journal of Building Engineering 82.

Ali, U., S. Bano, M.H. Shamsi, D. Sood, C. Hoare, W. Zuo, N. Hewitt, and J. O’Donnell. 2024. “Urban Residential Building Stock Synthetic Datasets for Building Energy Performance Analysis.” Data in Brief 53.

Chen, X., M. Cimillo, D. Chow, and B. Chen. 2024. “Assessing the Energy Performance and Retrofit Potential of the 1980–1990s’ Residential Building Stock in China’s Jiangsu Province: A Simulation-Based Study.” Energies 17 (5).

Lee, K., and H. Lim. 2024. “Correlation Analysis of Building Parameters According to ASHRAE Standard 90.1.” Journal of Building Engineering 82.

Salimi, S., E. Estrella Guillén, and H. Samuelson. 2024. “Decoupling Awake and Asleep Thermal Comfort: Impact on Building Design Optimization.” Journal of Building Engineering 82.

Kang, Y., D. Zhang, Y. Cui, W. Xu, S. Lu, J. Wu, and Y. Hu. 2024. “Integrated Passive Design Method Optimized for Carbon Emissions, Economics, and Thermal Comfort of Zero-Carbon Buildings.” Energy 295.

Li, J., Z. Zhai, H. Li, Y. Ding, and S. Chen. 2024. “Climate Change’s Effects on the Amount of Energy Used for Cooling in Hot, Humid Office Buildings and the Solutions.” Journal of Cleaner Production 442.

Ji, Y., J. Lv, H.X. Li, Y. Liu, F. Yao, X. Liu, and S. Wang. 2024. “Improving the Performance of Prefabricated Houses through Multi-Objective Optimization Design.” Journal of Building Engineering 84.

Baghoolizadeh, M., M.B. Hamooleh, A. Alizadeh, A. Torabi, D.J. Jasim, M. Rostamzadeh-Renan, and R. Rostamzadeh-Renani. 2024. “Occupant’s Thermal Comfort Augmentation and Thermal Load Reduction in a Typical Residential Building Using Genetic Algorithm.” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 59.

Yao, B., A. Salehi, M. Baghoolizadeh, Y. Khairy, and S. Baghaei. 2024. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Office Egg Shadings Using NSGA-II to Save Energy Consumption and Enhance Thermal and Visual Comfort.” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 157.

Liu, J., M. Baghoolizadeh, A. Basem, H. Hamza, G. Sudhamsu, T.J. Al-Musawi, A.J. Sultan, S. Salahshour, and A. Alizadeh. 2024. “Geometrical Optimization of Solar Venetian Blinds in Residential Buildings to Improve the Economic Costs of the Building and the Visual Comfort of the Residents Using the NSGA-II Algorithm.” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 157.

Qiu, Z., Q. Yong, J. Wang, L. Liao, and B. Yu. 2024. “A Multi-Objective Optimization Framework for Performance-Based Building Design Considering the Interplay between Buildings and Urban Environments.” Energy Conversion and Management 315.

Cruz, A.S., and L.E.G. Bastos. 2024. “Predicting Climate Change and Occupants’ Behaviour Impact on Thermal-Energy Performance of Global South Housing: Case Study in Brazil.” Indoor and Built Environment 33 (5): 808–27.

Arbulu, M., X. Oregi, and L. Etxepare. 2024. “Parametric Simulation Tool for the Enviro-Economic Evaluation of Energy Renovation Strategies in Residential Buildings with Life Cycle Thinking: PARARENOVATE-LCT.” Energy and Buildings 312.

Yu, C., W. Pan, and Y. Bai. 2024. “Sensitivities of Energy Use Reduction in Subtropical High-Rise Office Buildings: A Hong Kong Case.” Energy and Buildings 311.

Qiao, X., T. Zhao, X. Zhang, and Y. Li. 2024. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Windows in Office Building.” Energy and Buildings 318.

Kabiri, E., and N. Maftouni. 2024. “Multiple Objective Energy Optimization of a Trade Center Building Based on Genetic Algorithm Using Ecological Materials.” Scientific Reports 14 (1).

Serasinghe, R., T. Sas-Wright, S. Sreedevi, E. Romich, M. Hayes, C. Zoller, and J.D. Clark. 2024. “Gray Box Modeling of Temperature Dynamics and Power Consumption in a Swine Barn.” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 225.

Li, C., Y. Pan, Z. Liu, Y. Liang, X. Yuan, Z. Huang, and N. Zhou. 2024. “Optimal Design of Building Envelope towards Life Cycle Performance: Impact of Considering Dynamic Grid Emission Factors.” Energy and Buildings 323.

Sakiyama, N.R.M., J.C. Carlo, F.I.H. Sakiyama, N. Abdessemed, J. Frick, and H. Garrecht. 2024. “Impact of Wind Pressure Coefficients on the Natural Ventilation Effectiveness of Buildings through Simulations.” Buildings 14 (9).

Luo, S.-L., X. Shi, and F. Yang. 2024. “A Review of Data-Driven Methods in Building Retrofit and Performance Optimization: From the Perspective of Carbon Emission Reductions.” Energies 17 (18).

Bhatia, A., S. Dontu, V. Garg, and R. Singh. 2024. “Approach for Energy Efficient Building Design during Early Phase of Design Process.” Energy Informatics 7 (1).

Wang, F., T. You, and H. Cui. 2024. “Multi-Objective Optimization and Evaluation of the Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal-Energy Pile Ground Source Heat Pump System.” Applied Energy 371.

liu, P., A.A. Hussein, A. Alizadeh, M. Baghoolizadeh, G. Yan, M. Zargari pour, and T. Alkhalifah. 2024. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Office Building Envelopes Properties and Venetian Blinds Using NSGA-II to Save Energy Consumption and Enhance Thermal and Visual Comfort.” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 64.

Gea-Salim, C., S. Flores-Larsen, M. Hongn, and S. Gonzalez. 2024. “A Framework for Multi-Objective Optimization in Energy Retrofit of Heritage Museums: Enhancing Preservation, Comfort, and Conservation Conditions.” Heritage 7 (12): 7210–35.

Soong, E., V. Gori, and A. Oraiopoulos. 2025. “A Data-Driven Framework for Occupancy Optimisation Strategies towards Energy Demand Reduction in Non-Domestic Buildings.” Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 46 (1): 27–43.

Perera, U.S., A.U. Weerasuriya, X. Zhang, R. Ruparathna, M.G.I. Tharaka, and C.S. Lewangamage. 2025. “Selecting Suitable Passive Design Strategies for Residential High-Rise Buildings in Tropical Climates to Minimize Building Energy Demand.” Building and Environment 267.

Wu, Y., Z. Wang, C.-M. Mak, Y. Yang, and J. Liu. 2025. “Heating Energy Consumption of a Passive House in a Severe Cold Region Based on Human Behavior.” Science and Technology for the Built Environment 31 (1): 138–54.

Bastos Porsani, G., J.B. Echeverría Trueba, and C. Fernández Bandera. 2024. “Triple Validation of Calibrated Building Energy Models with Different Air Infiltration Values.” Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 14 (23).

Chi, B., Y. Li, and D. Zhou. 2024. “A Hybrid Method of Cooling and Heating Consumption Prediction for Six Types of Buildings Based on Machine Learning.” Sustainability (Switzerland) 16 (24).

Pajek, L., J. Potočnik, D. Božiček, and M. Košir. 2025. The Role of Energy Efficiency Design Decisions in the Embodied Carbon of Detached Houses. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Vol. 553 LNCE.

Zou, Y., Y. Li, H. Chen, B. Xiao, and Z. Li. 2025. “Multi-Dimensional Performance-Based Intelligent Optimization of Atrium Building Prototype with Informed Approach.” Discover Applied Sciences 7 (1).

Al-Kabaha, Y., K. Bataineh, and M. Aburabi’e. 2025. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Energy Consumption, Cost and Emission for a Residential Building.” Heliyon 11 (3).

Capol, Livia, Srinivasan Keshav, and Zoltan Nagy. 2025. “Activity Hours: Assessing Liveability during Heatwaves.” Building and Environment 269 (February): 112339.

Zheng, Y., J. Wu, H. Zhang, C. Lin, Y. Li, X. Cui, and P. Shen. 2025. “A Novel Sun-Shading Design for Indoor Visual Comfort and Energy Saving in Typical Office Space in Shenzhen.” Energy and Buildings 328.

Es-sakali, N., J. Pfafferott, M.O. Mghazli, and M. Cherkaoui. 2025. “Towards Climate-Responsive Net Zero Energy Rural Schools: A Multi-Objective Passive Design Optimization with Bio-Based Insulations, Shading, and Roof Vegetation.” Sustainable Cities and Society 120.

Zhao, N., J. Zhang, and C. Ding. 2025. “Integrated 3E Impacts of Photovoltaic Systems: A Comparative Study of Panels and Windows.” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 66.

Ertosun Yıldız, M., and F. Beyhan. 2025. “Prediction of Cooling Load via Machine Learning on Building Envelope Design Parameters.” Journal of Building Engineering 100.

Bazazzadeh, H., S. Hoseinzadeh, M.M. Mohammadi, and D.A. Garcia. 2025. “AI- Aided Surrogate Model for Prediction of HVAC Optimization Strategies in Future Conditions in the Face of Climate Change.” Energy Reports 13: 1834–45.

Tootkaboni, M.P., I. Ballarini, and V. Corrado. 2025. “Towards Climate Resilient and Energy-Efficient Buildings: A Sensitivity Analysis on Building Components and Cooling Strategies.” Building and Environment 270.

Chaturvedi, Shobhit, and Rajasekar Elangovan. 2023. “Grey Wolf Algorithmic Framework for Building Energy Optimization in India’s Köppen-Geiger Climatic Zones.” Advances in Building Energy Research 17: 277–302.

Carratt, A., G. Kokogiannakis, and D. Daly. 2023. “Development and Performance Evaluation of a Minimum Input Model Calibration Methodology for Residential Buildings.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation 16: 680–704.

Agarwal, Minu, Luisa Pastore, and Marilyne Andersen. 2024. “Risk of Incorrect Choices Due to Uncertainty in BPS Evaluations of Conceptual-Stage Neighbourhood-Scale Building Designs.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation 17: 234–52.

Wu, Ya, Zhaojun Wang, Cheuk Ming Mak, Yuxin Yang, and Jing Liu. 2024. “Heating Energy Consumption of a Passive House in a Severe Cold Region Based on Human Behavior.” Science and Technology for the Built Environment.

Nevers, Clément, Matthieu Labat, and Alexandre Malley-Ernewein. 2024. “Cooling Peak Load Reduction Potential of Ventilated Slabs: A Numerical Study.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation.

Cruz, Alexandre Santana, Leopoldo Eurico Gonçalves Bastos, and Lucas Rosse Caldas. 2023. “Multi-Objective Optimization Based on a Surrogate Model of Social Housing to Improve the Thermal-Energy-Carbon Performance.” In Building Simulation Conference Proceedings. Vol. 18.

Pajek, Luka, and Mitja Košir. 2023. “Overheating Vulnerability Assessment of Energy Retrofit Actions in a Multi-Apartment Building in Podgorica, Montenegro.” In E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 396.

Mercado, María Victoria, Gustavo Javier Barea-Paci, and Andrés Esteban Aceña. 2023. “BUILDING SIMPLE MATHEMATICAL MODELS TO CALCULATE THE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS OF BUILDINGS.” Habitat Sustentable 13 (2).

Mercado, María Victoria, Gustavo Javier Barea-Paci, and Andrés Esteban Aceña. 2023. “Construcción de Modelos Matemáticos Simples Para El Cálculo Del Requerimiento Energético de Edificaciones.” Revista Hábitat Sustentable 13 (2).

Pachano, José Eduardo, María Fernández-Vigil Iglesias, Juan Carlos Saiz, and Carlos Fernández Bandera. 2023. “Two-Stage Multi-Step Energy Model Calibration of the Cooling Systems of a Large-Space Commercial Building.” Applied Thermal Engineering 230.

Es-Sakali, Niima, Samir Idrissi Kaitouni, Imad Ait Laasri, Mohamed Oualid Mghazli, Moha Cherkaoui, and Jens Pfafferott. 2023. “Building Energy Efficiency Improvement Using Multi-Objective Optimization for Heating and Cooling VRF Thermostat Setpoints.” In E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 396.

Nateghi, Seyedkeivan, and Jan Kaczmarczyk. 2023. “Multi-Objective Optimization of Window Opening and Thermostat Control for Enhanced Indoor Environment Quality and Energy Efficiency in Contrasting Climates.” Journal of Building Engineering 78.

Baghoolizadeh, Mohammadreza, Mohammad Rostamzadeh-Renani, Mohammad Hakimazari, and Reza Rostamzadeh-Renani. 2023. “Improving CO2 Concentration, CO2 Pollutant and Occupants’ Thermal Comfort in a Residential Building Using Genetic Algorithm Optimization.” Energy and Buildings 291.

Ji, Yingbo, Junyi Lv, Hong Xian Li, Yan Liu, Fuyi Yao, Xinnan Liu, and Siqi Wang. 2024. “Improving the Performance of Prefabricated Houses through Multi-Objective Optimization Design.” Journal of Building Engineering 84.

Hernández, Gabriel, A. J. Cetina-Quiñones, A. Bassam, and J. G. Carrillo. 2024. “Passive Strategies towards Energy Efficient Social Housing: A Parametric Case Study and Decision-Making Framework in the Mexican Tropical Climate.” Journal of Building Engineering 82.

Ali, Usman, Sobia Bano, Mohammad Haris Shamsi, Divyanshu Sood, Cathal Hoare, Wangda Zuo, Neil Hewitt, and James O’Donnell. 2024. “Urban Residential Building Stock Synthetic Datasets for Building Energy Performance Analysis.” Data in Brief 53.

Li, Jiangbo, Zhihong Zhai, Haiyan Li, Yunfei Ding, and Sihao Chen. 2024. “Climate Change’s Effects on the Amount of Energy Used for Cooling in Hot, Humid Office Buildings and the Solutions.” Journal of Cleaner Production 442.

Kim, Changhoon, Jinho Lee, Daehui Lee, and Sunho Choi. 2016. “Optimized Operation Method for an Active Chilled Beam with VAV System.” Science and Technology for the Built Environment 22 (4): 372–78.

Harputlugil, Gülsu Ulukavak, Timuçin Harputlugil, Matthieu Pedergnana, and Esra Sarıoğlu. 2019. “A Novel Approach for Renovation of Current Social Housing Stock Based on Energy Consumption in Turkey: Significance of Occupant Behaviour.” Architectural Science Review 62 (4): 323–37.

Zhang, B., Yangbo Liu, Rahul Rai, and Venkat Krovi. 2017. “Invariant Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis for Building Energy Models.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation 10 (4): 392–405.

Mushinkula, CHINYAMA, 徐颖, 张懿轩, 王美燕, 池方爱, and 张正威. 2023. “浙江乡村民宿围护结构多目标优化.” 新型建筑材料. 浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院;

田一辛, and 黄琼. 2021. “建筑性能多目标优化设计方法及其应用——以遗传算法为例.” 新建筑. 西安建筑科技大学建筑学院;天津大学建筑学院;

南东波, 宫克勤, 杨子昱, 衣昌盛, and 车春影. 2023. “基于BPNN/NSGA-Ⅱ的居住建筑节能改造多目标优化.” 河南科学. 东北石油大学土木建筑工程学院;中赟国际工程有限公司;

侯恩哲. 2020. “Building and Environment.” 建筑节能. 《建筑节能》杂志社;

汤梓涵, 王帅杰, 鞠振河, and 雷志奇. 2024. “光伏/光热耦合空气源热泵系统性能优化.” 综合智慧能源. 沈阳工程学院电力学院;沈阳工程学院新能源学院;辽宁华海科技开发有限公司;

王刚, and 李祥立. 2024. “相变墙体应用于办公建筑的多目标优化设计.” 暖通空调. 大连理工大学;

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