Use POST /job/<job_id>
with a cancel command object to cancel an existing job.
to application/json
A Cancel Command Object has only one field, as shown in the example below:
{ "cmd": "Cancel" }
A successful return object contains the status flag, a message, and the current status of the job, as shown in the example below.
{ "ok" : true, "status" : "Cancel flag has been set for 12259", "data" : { "id" : 12255, "progress" : "20, 0, 0, 0, 16, 4, 0", "cancel_Flag" : true, "job_ID" : 12259, "status" : "QUEUED", "completion_Time" : 1608079500550, "status_Info" : "Job preparation done; awaiting execution.", "last_Update" : 1608079505339 } }
At the time of return, the job has only been marked to be cancelled. It may take a couple of minutes before all of its simulation cases to be cancelled. You can check the status using the GET /job/status/<job_id>
transaction. If the job is cancelled, you will see a return like below:
{ "ok" : true, "status" : "12259 status available", "data" : { "id" : 12255, "progress" : "20, 0, 0, 12, 0, 8, 0", "cancel_Flag" : false, "job_ID" : 12259, "status" : "CANCELED", "completion_Time" : 1608079510027, "status_Info" : "Job is cancelled", "last_Update" : 1608079510027 } }
If the specified job is not found, not controlled by the user, or not in a cancellable state, a Failed response will be received:
{ "ok" : false, "status" : "Job 12250 is not found or not cancellable", "data" : null }
An HTTP 401 - Unauthorized response will be received
Assuming the session token has been saved in the cookies
file using the log on command, send the cancel command using curl in Linux as below:
curl -b cookies -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"cmd": "Cancel"}'
On Windows:
curl -b cookies -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"cmd\": \"Cancel\"}"
Make sure Requests is correctly installed in your Python environment, and run the following lines:
import requests headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} body = {"cmd": "Cancel"} job_id = 12250 # Make a post request. Session token must be available in the saved cookies during log-on r ='' + str(job_id), headers=headers, json=body, cookies=cookies) # Show return info r.json()