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Matrix Plot example
Another excellent example of using Protovis ( for visualizing multi-dimensional data set, in this case, the correlation between various energy consumption components of a collection of office buildings. Try select a region on any scatter plot, and see corresponding cases being highlighted on all scatter plots.
Sample chart
(If the chart does not show, try reload this page.)
<head> <title>Brush + Link</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/vis/mat_chart/protovis.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/vis/mat_chart/results250_2.js"></script> <style type="text/css">
#fig {
width: 650px; height: 685px;
</style> </head> <body><div id="center"><div id="fig"> <script type="text/javascript+protovis">
/* Size parameters. */ var size = 250,
padding = 20;
/* Interaction state. */ var s;
/* Scales for color and position. */ var grey = pv.rgb(144, 144, 144, .2),
color = pv.colors( "rgba(50%, 0%, 0%, .5)", "rgba(0%, 50%, 0%, .5)", "rgba(0%, 0%, 50%, .5)"), position = pv.dict(traits, function(t) pv.Scale.linear(flowers, function(d) d[t]) .range(0, size));
/* Root panel. */ var vis = new pv.Panel()
.width((size + padding) * traits.length) .height((size + padding) * traits.length + padding) .left(10) .top(5);
/* One cell per trait pair. */ var cell = vis.add(pv.Panel)
.data(traits) .top(function() this.index * (size + padding) + padding / 2) .height(size) .add(pv.Panel) .data(function(y) ({px:x, py:y}))) .left(function() this.index * (size + padding) + padding / 2) .width(size);
/* Framed dot plots not along the diagonal. */ var plot = cell.add(pv.Panel)
.visible(function(t) t.px != .strokeStyle("#aaa");
/* X-axis ticks. */ var xtick = plot.add(pv.Rule)
.data(function(t) position[t.px].ticks(5)) .left(function(d, t) position[t.px](d)) .strokeStyle("#eee");
/* Bottom label. */ xtick.anchor(“bottom”).add(pv.Label)
.visible(function() (cell.parent.index == traits.length - 1) && !(cell.index & 1)) .text(function(d, t) position[t.px].tickFormat(d));
/* Top label. */ xtick.anchor(“top”).add(pv.Label)
.visible(function() (cell.parent.index == 0) && (cell.index & 1)) .text(function(d, t) position[t.px].tickFormat(d));
/* Y-axis ticks. */ var ytick = plot.add(pv.Rule)
.data(function(t) position[].ticks(5)) .bottom(function(d, t) position[](d)) .strokeStyle("#eee");
/* Left label. */ ytick.anchor(“left”).add(pv.Label)
.visible(function() (cell.index == 0) && (cell.parent.index & 1)) .text(function(d, t) position[].tickFormat(d));
/* Right label. */ ytick.anchor(“right”).add(pv.Label)
.visible(function() (cell.index == traits.length - 1) && !(cell.parent.index & 1)) .text(function(d, t) position[].tickFormat(d));
/* Frame and dot plot. */ var dot = plot.add(pv.Dot)
.data(flowers) .left(function(d, t) position[t.px](d[t.px])) .bottom(function(d, t) position[](d[])) .size(10) .strokeStyle(null) .fillStyle(function(d) s && ((d[s.px] < s.x1) || (d[s.px] > s.x2) || (d[] < s.y1) || (d[] > s.y2)) ? grey : color(d.model));
/* Interaction: new selection and display and drag selection */ plot.add(pv.Panel)
.data([{x:20, y:20, dx:100, dy:100}]) .cursor("crosshair") .events("all") .event("mousedown", .event("selectstart", function() (s = null, vis)) .event("select", update)
.visible(function(d, k, t) s && s.px == t.px && == .left(function(d) d.x) .top(function(d) d.y) .width(function(d) d.dx) .height(function(d) d.dy) .fillStyle("rgba(0,0,0,.15)") .strokeStyle("white") .cursor("move") .event("mousedown", pv.Behavior.drag()) .event("drag", update);
/* Labels along the diagonal. */ cell.anchor(“center”).add(pv.Label)
.visible(function(t) t.px == .font("bold 14px sans-serif") .text(function(t) t.px.replace(/([WL])/, " $1").toLowerCase());
/* Legend. */ vis.add(pv.Dot)
.data(model) .bottom(10) .left(function() 15 + this.index * 65) .size(8) .strokeStyle(null) .fillStyle(color) .anchor("right").add(pv.Label);
/* Interaction: update selection. */ function update(d, t) {
s = d; s.px = t.px; =; s.x1 = position[t.px].invert(d.x); s.x2 = position[t.px].invert(d.x + d.dx); s.y1 = position[].invert(size - d.y - d.dy); s.y2 = position[].invert(size - d.y); dot.context(null, 0, function() this.render());
</script> </div></div></body>