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JEPlus – An parametric tool for EnergyPlus and TRNSYS
Latest news
30/09/2024: jEPlus updated to version 2.2, with the introduction of the ESOs and MTRs objects in the RVX, and the support for E+ Basement and Slab models. jEPlus+EA has been updated accordingly as well.
11/11/2020: The Quick Start Guide for jEPlus+EA v2 is available. You can also check out the first tutorial video of the tool.
27/10/2020: First jEPlus v2 tutorial is online. Download the video here if Youtube is not accessible.
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03/10/2020: is undergoing a major overhaul. There are many pages that are pending updates, so bear with us.
02/10/2020: jEPlus v2.1.0 and jEPlus+EA v2.1.0 Beta are released! Users manuals are still under development, though.
30/11/2019: jEPlus v2.0 Beta is available to download from SourceForge
18/11/2019: About to release jEPlus v2.0. jEPlus+EA v2.0, which is based on the JEA SaaS engine, will follow shortly
12/05/2018: jEPlus and jEPlus+EA have been updated to v1.7.2 and v1.7.7 beta, respectively. These are likely to be the last service update for v1.x. The next release will be v2.0.
17/08/2017: It's been a while since the last update. Well, the good news is that JEA is coming and the new jEPlus+EA will run not only optimisation, but also parametric projects and sensitivity analyses.
07/11/2016: New online tools for EnergyPlus and other simulation users are under development at ENSIMS. They will eventually be integrated into the JESS service. Some of them are useful already on their own, such as the EPW resources map (require access to Google Maps) and the IDD browser.