First, you should know that jEPlus cannot do sensitivity analysis but parametric study.There is a bit difference between them.Second,There are lots of sensitivity analysis methods to choose,especially in building performance analysis.Which one are you going to use? variance-based sensitivity analysis,One-at-a-time (OAT/OFAT), Regression analysis,morris method,...???Bear in mind that local methods are false to choose for building performance analysis.A random sampling 100 jobs LHS is too little ,it must be more than 500 or 1000 sample points, at least. Tell me which one are you going to use please?
You should read the Global Sensitivity Analysis books or papers to learn Global Sensitivity Analysis methods and then implement them on jEPlus outputs.
Navid Delgarm
First, you should know that jEPlus cannot do sensitivity analysis but parametric study.There is a bit difference between them.Second,There are lots of sensitivity analysis methods to choose,especially in building performance analysis.Which one are you going to use? variance-based sensitivity analysis,One-at-a-time (OAT/OFAT), Regression analysis,morris method,...???Bear in mind that local methods are false to choose for building performance analysis.A random sampling 100 jobs LHS is too little ,it must be more than 500 or 1000 sample points, at least. Tell me which one are you going to use please?
You should read the Global Sensitivity Analysis books or papers to learn Global Sensitivity Analysis methods and then implement them on jEPlus outputs.
Navid Delgarm